Art Gallery
Bentara Budaya, Jl. Suroto 2, Kota Baru, +62 274 560404. Art exhibitions, movies, book discussions.
Cemeti Art House, Jl. D.I. Panjaitan 41, +62 274 371105, ( Fine art and modern art exhibitions, book discussions and performances.
French/Indonesian Cultural Center (LIP), Jl. Sagan 3, +62 274 566520. Art exhibitions, movies, book discussions, performances, library.
Jogja Gallery, Jl. Pekapalan 7, Alun-Alun Utara. +62 274 419999, +62 274 412021, +62 274 7161188, (mailto: Modern art gallery exhibiting avant garde artworks.
Kedai Kebun, Jl. Tirtodipuran 3, +62 274 376114, ( Art exhibitions, performances, book discussions.